In tribute to Max Rosenberg
Max Rosenberg was a devoted CPRE Surrey member and involved with our activities since 2012. He was invited on to the main Board in 2016 and he also chaired the Mole Valley District Committee, which he did with good humour and dedication. He helped the charity to focus on ecology and his depth of knowledge sprang from a love of wildlife.
His membership of the Surrey Wildlife Trust, Bat Conservation Trust, RSPB and East Surrey Badger Protection Society attest to the strength of his commitment to protect animals.
He worked as a committee member and subsequently as chair of the Leith Hill Action Group which, with CPRE Surrey’s support, fought for over seven years against proposals by Europa Oil & Gas to explore for hydrocarbons at Coldharbour in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Thankfully these efforts were eventually rewarded by success. Max then turned to helping others in Brockham, Dunsfold, Horse Hill and further afield in the Sussex Weald in campaigns to halt the exploration and extraction of fossil fuels in our precious countryside.
Max was also a founder member of the steering committee for the Capel Neighbourhood Plan, and an executive committee member of the Aviation Environment Federation and member of the Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign and Plane Wrong.
Having retired as a teacher Max had been free to pursue his many passions and interests and enjoy life in the Surrey Hills with his partner of 48 years, Annette. He had both warmth and wisdom, and his enthusiasm meant he was great fun to work with and very well liked. He will be greatly missed both for his contribution to CPRE and all the other organisations that he was involved with in and around Surrey. But most of all by those of us who will remember him for his perfect manners and lovely smile.