What’s next for the Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Review?
Over 2000 responses collected in the Surrey Hills Area of Natural Beauty Boundary review
The evidence gathering phase of the boundary review process has now closed. We’re pleased to share the fantastic news that over 2000 submissions were received to cover a vast area of the current AONB from Western Greensands to Dunsford Low Weald.
You can see all of the public responses on the Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Review Story Map which provides a view of the locations for which this evidence has been submitted.
The interactive story map gives information on each of the Evaluation Areas and background layers of relevant landscape data. It’s a great way to visualise the evidence and keep track of how other individuals and interested groups perceived the Surrey Hills.
What’s next for the Boundary Review?
The next phase of the process involves a review of the evidence combined with a desk study and detailed field survey. This stage is the Evaluation of Natural Beauty in and around the Evaluation areas. Once the substantial amounts of evidence have been reviewed there will be active discussions about everything that has been submitted and whether there are any gaps that need filling.
Webinars are planned on the dates below to share in more detail how evidence submitted is being used, the key themes and messages that have emerged and the next steps in the boundary process. Please use the links below to book a place on one of the webinars:
Tuesday 22nd March 11:00 – 12:00
Wednesday 23rd March 19:00 – 20:00 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/surrey-hills-aonb-boundary-review-wednesday-webinar-tickets-275470428467
Thursday 24th March 14.00 – 15:00
Saturday 26th March 10.00 – 11:00
Check back on the Surrey Hills AONB website for more updates. Also, be sure to look out for more information about the Boundary Review in the next issue of Surrey Voice.
Well done to everyone involved in this process and to each individual who submitted evidence online or by post. The Surrey Hills AONB is a nationally important landscape that we in Surrey should be justly proud of. Whether it’s an area that you live in, work in or visit to connect with nature, the understanding of this landscape is crucial in guaranteeing the ongoing protection of this beautiful countryside for generations to come.