Meet our new Volunteer Coordinator
Jeremy Saunders is the Volunteer Coordinator for the Surrey Campaign to Protect Rural England. This is a new post within the charity, with responsibility for recruiting, nurturing and working with local CPRE volunteers – the backbone of our organisation. It is a role which benefits enormously from Jeremy’s energy and enthusiasm for nature and the countryside.
After over 30 years working in magazines and media Jeremy decided to retrain to pursue a lifelong ambition of working in the countryside. Having grown up on a farm and always been a lover of the great outdoors he had a ‘road to Damascus’ moment when he saw a job ad for a Countryside Ranger. With the support of his wife he retrained at Plumpton College, near Lewes studying Countryside & Wildlife Management and now works as a Ranger for the National Trust, at Limpsfield Common, near Oxted.
He is passionate about preserving our green spaces and is working on regenerating areas of heathland at Limpsfield. He is also a huge lover of chalk grassland, another rapidly diminishing habitat and one that Surrey is blessed with in a number of sites.
Follow this link for more information about getting involved with our latest volunteering opportunities.